Friday, November 22, 2013

Beyond Blessed

As I sit back and think over this year, I am just in awe of what a miracle babies are. I was looking at pictures of my babies this evening after they were first born and it is hard to believe that they were even Premie by looking at them now! Looking back at how they could once fit inside my shirt, or wear Taylor's wedding band around their wrists is just amazing to me. I am so thankful for my little miracle babies and how strong they have become in this year. They have already accomplished so much and I am just so thankful for the person I have become because of them. 

We celebrated Grady and Adalynn's First Birthday two weeks ago and it was such a great party! We had so much fun visiting with family and friends, and were sad when the party had to end. 

Grady and Adalynn are doing so many things these days. Grady is getting into EVERYTHING!! He goes from one end of the room to the other in a split second. He is still more comfortable in an army crawl, but he does pull up to all fours every now and then. He pulls up on the coffee table and can walk holding on to the table to get something at the other end of it. He loves to wake up in the mornings and stand holding on to the bed rails! He loves to say "dada" and he is really loving Avocado right now. He is 25 pounds and 29 1/2 inches long! Growing like a weed!! ;)

Adalynn started crawling on her first birthday! (Talk about a show off ;)) She loves yogurt and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She loves clapping to music and she also loves to play with anything that her brother is playing with. She is pulling up to her knees but can't get much higher than that without help. She loves to walk in the walker and be outside. She weighs 21 pounds and is also 29 1/2 inches long.

I guess I am just feeling the spirit of the season tonight but I am beyond thankful for all that the good Lord has given me this past year. Two healthy, happy babies; a family that loves me for me; a rewarding job; and a God that answers prayers even when I don't deserve it. I keep going back to this song that I heard on one of my favorite television shows, Nashville, and I just love it and I think it speaks for how I feel right now. Very thankful! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

10 Months!

The time is flying before my very eyes! How can my 3 pound babies already be 10 months (and over 20 pounds!)??? The babies are doing great as usual....they both have two bottom teeth that decided to make their appearance at the same time for both babies! Talk about crazy mom! 

Both Adalynn and Grady are doing so many more things...they are laughing and babbling all the time, exploring new toys, and eating whatever I give them! They love Banana Mum-Mums and Gerber puffs. I know that crawling is on the horizon because they both can move around on their play mats by scooting their bodies. You may think that 10 months is a little late for crawling, but really, I am A-OK with that! 

I just can't get enough of my two sweeties and love them so very much! Now we are planning their 1st birthday party and we can't believe that it is already time for that! :(

Jessica and Taylor

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

9 Months! (11 days late!)

You all will have to excuse that I am a little late this month posting Grady and Adalynn's update! We have been quite busy at the Macon house. One thing that has been keeping mommy very busy is that I am now a first grade teacher. I have been feeling like I needed a change and sure enough my principal called me towards the end of July asking if I wanted to move up and I decided to go for it! I am very excited about learning something new and I am excited to have some of my kinder babies. Enough of school talk....let's get down to the nitty two little munchkins. :)

My little pumpkin Adalynn is her little diva self as always! (As you can tell from the pictures!) She is getting so smart and loves to laugh and play! Her favorite foods right now are anything but oatmeal. Her latest milestone is sitting up. She loves to sit up and play with her toys, she would rather sit up and play than anything else. She still loves to bounce in the bouncer! She has two teeth trying to push their way through. Here lately she likes to rock back and forth when she hears someone singing to her and she also moves her head side to side looking like she is saying no. She weighs 19 pounds and is almost 28 inches long! 

I would have added more pictures of Grady but he really is so good at taking pics I only had to take a few! Grady is growing so fast and getting so smart. He is 22 pounds and almost 28 inches long. He likes any food but oatmeal, just like his sister. Grady loves to roll over, smile, and be tickled. He also likes to sit up and play with his sister and toys! He has to keep a death grip on his toys because sister tries to take them! haha! Grady also has two teeth that are making their way through...his are a little easier to see than Addie's. Grady loves to talk, just like his daddy! He is always making noises when he is playing. Grady can also hold his own bottle now, which makes feeding both babies a whole lot easier!

Life has been going great at the Macon house! We couldn't ask for better babies and are sad that time is flying by so fast. According to the doctor, they are officially caught up as far as size goes for a normal 9 month old baby. They are behind on a few milestones but not every baby moves at the same pace. We are thankful everyday for our healthy babies.

Much love from our house to yours,
Jessica and Taylor

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

8 Months!

In these past 8 months I have learned so much about myself and Taylor. We have learned what kind of work it takes to be parents and it has been an adjustment for the both of us. I am so thankful for our families....they have been so supportive of us and are helping us all the time. I definitely have my doubtful moments worrying if I am a good mom...that doubt is quickly swept away when I walk in the room and the babies only have eyes and smiles for their mommy. This summer break is flying by and I just wish it would slow down!

My sweet smiling Grady!

Grady is doing so good! He is getting so smart and I just love watching him grow! He is now sitting up alone...he is a bit wobbly but he does pretty good! He loves to reach for toys and talk all the time. Just recently he says the sounds "da da da" and "ba ba ba"! He loves to blow raspberries and jump in the jumper! He is rolling over from front to back. I am so proud of my little man...he has truly stolen my heart!

Who could resist this smile?!?

Our little diva princess!

Adalynn Dean is such a smart little cookie...if you cough, she has a fake cough to go along with yours. She is growing too fast! She has beautiful blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. She has a temper like her daddy (ok and like her mom too) but we love her just the same! She loves to hear herself make noises and she loves to play with both of her feet. She is almost sitting up without assistance. Adalynn rolls over from front to back and loves to swing and play in the exersaucer! She is truly a little princess and I love her sooo much!

Adalynn is trying to live up to the diva status during our photo session! haha! Love my baby girl!

Much love,

Sunday, June 9, 2013

7 Months!

It has been quite sometime since my last update....I have been very busy since going back to work. I cannot believe that my babies are 7 months old today! They are growing so fast.

Grady is my big boy! He loves to smile and talk to anyone who is willing to listen. His favorite veggie is squash and I know this because I cannot get it in his mouth fast enough without him getting upset. We actually haven't found anything that he doesn't like out of the fruits and veggies we have tried. He drinks 7-8 oz of formula and burps like a man! He loves tummy time and also loves to play in the exersaucer and swing. He hasn't rolled over yet, but that will come with time. The last time we went to the doctor, he was around 18 pounds. He is catching up to an average 7 month old that's for sure. He has rolls that go for miles and we are very proud of each and every roll!

Adalynn is my little diva baby! Most of the time she is all smiles, but she does have a little temper....Taylor and I argue over who she gets her temper from...I say it's him of course! She just recently found her feet and loves to pull on them. She rolled over a couple of times while my mom was watching her and rolled over one time in the bath tub for me to see! She doesn't regularly roll over though. She loves to eat pears. She likes any kind of fruit and veggie and she is a little hesitant to eat peaches...she makes the funniest face when I feed them to her. She drinks 6-7 oz. of formula and at her last visit to the doctor, she weighed about 16 pounds.  She loves her rattle ball and loves to swing! She also has rolls for miles and I tell her to wear them with pride! :)

I am so glad that my summer break is officially here! I am excited to spend time with my babies and watch them grow. My mom will still keep them once a week and my sister also wants to keep them once a week as well. I am ok with that! :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

5 Months!

WOW....I cannot believe that my babies are now 5 months old! I am a little late on posting their 5 month update...but having two babies and working too, makes it hard to keep all the social networks up to date. :) Last Tuesday we celebrated the babies 5 month birthday by taking them to the doctor for their 5 month check up. The babies are growing so fast, it's hard to keep up!

Grady now weighs 14 lbs. 13 oz. and is 23.5 inches longs. He eats 7 oz. of formula and since his check up he now eats rice cereal from a spoon two times a day. He eats from a spoon like a champ! On his 5 month birthday, he laughed out loud for the first time which was so brought tears to my eyes to see how happy my baby boy is. He is not rolling over yet or sitting up but that is to be expected since he was premature. Grady at this point loves listening to mommy and daddy mock his sounds and he also likes to mimic making raspberries with his mouth after mommy and daddy do it. 

Adalynn now weighs 13 lbs. 10 oz. and she is 23 inches long. The doctor says that both babies are vertically challenged right now. She eats 6 oz of formula and she also takes two feedings of rice cereal a day from the spoon. She seems to make the biggest mess when it comes to eating from the spoon. It also seems as though her rice cereal grows as she eats it because what you thought was a small bite, comes out of her mouth looking a whole lot bigger. Adalynn is our smiley child. Right now she smiles at every little thing. It is so nice to see her smile first thing in the morning. She also has this high pitched squeal to go along with her smile every now and then. She hasn't really laughed out loud...but we consider this squeal a step in that direction. 

I have been back to work for almost 2 weeks and it was a little rough at first, but I have adjusted. The babies are very happy staying with my mom and I am very happy with them being with her. Listening to all my teacher friends talk about the cost of day care really makes me appreciate my mom more. 

Many blessings to you and yours;